Comics Writing


In early 2018, Ranger Danger co-host Mathew Groom and myself wrote one of 5 short stories for BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 25th Anniversary Special anthology comic, released in print and digitally in June 2018.

Sealed co-written with Mathew Groom and illustrated by Lucas Werneck, with colours by Eleonora Bruni and letters by Ed Dukeshire. Cover illustration by Steve Morris.

“Sealed” combines the past, present, and future and is the perfect short story for the 25th anniversary.

TheMartianRanger, Morphin’ Legacy

One of the better parts of the issue comes… with the Ninja Steel chapter. The comic works to connect Ninja Steel to the original Mighty Morphin’ team by having their stories run parallel, and demonstrating the same courage and determination from both teams.

Robbie Pleasant, Multiversity Comics

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